International Women's Day 2024

Our hope is that this campaign would encourage the audience to open up that dialogue with their younger self, and spread encouragement & wisdom to the next generation.

MESHKI’s International Women’s Day campaign video is all about how we talk to our younger selves: what we would say, how it would make us feel, how do we heal, and how we can look forward to our future. Through the symbolism of a gallery, our women empower us through speaking to their hung photograph — a masterpiece.

Meet The Women

Sara is a bilateral amputee, disability advocate, speaker and model from Brisbane


Sara is a bilateral amputee, disability advocate, speaker and model from Brisbane. Her message to her younger self speaks on embracing what makes us different, to celebrate our individuality and empower others to do the same.


Emi is model based in Sydney. At the age of three, she lost her hearing and today communicates in Auslan. She tells her younger self she is proud of her and what she has achieved.

Susan & Ash

Mother & daughter duo, Susan and Ashleigh, are Sydney siders who have a South Korean cultural background. Susan came to Australia when she was a teenager and then worked hard to build a highly successful commercial business. Ashleigh is her first daughter, who was able to enjoy all the opportunities provided to her by her mum (and family) thanks to their tireless hard work and love.


Ana is a Sydney based model who came on shoot for IWD.
Born and raised in Indonesia, she expresses her gratitude towards her younger self for embodying strength and bravery.


She encourages her younger self and others to not let anyone define nor pigeon hole you, listen to advice, but make and trust your own judgement. Don’t compromise yourself. Strive to be happy. There is no perfect time, embrace each moment and learn from your mistakes


Aisha is Ecuadorian and is currently living in Sydney.
Her message to her younger self urges her to be bold and explore her creativity. She also tells her younger self to be gentle and calm to not only others but herself.

Spread Encouragement & Wisdom To The Next Generation

You're A Masterpiece

To My Younger Self